Where’s The Nigerian Dream? Spoiler: We Have None

According to James Truslow Adam’s definition of the Nigerian dreamAmerican dream in 1931: “life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement” regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.” The American Dream is rooted in the Declaration of Independence, which proclaims that “all men are created equal” with the right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” It’s the American dream that made people troop to the country in search for greener pasture. Some people say the American dream is dead, but I know it’s what got America to where it is today. However, for the case of Nigeria—everyone knows we have no dream. I’m sorry if this hurts, but it’s the ultimate, but bitter truth.

Our leaders, and including ourselves have no cherished desire to move this nation to where it can (or should) be. It’s more than 50 years since independence, and yet security, education, infrastructure, jobs creation, etc., are poor. Nigerian couples give birth to more children like rats (no offense), even though they know their children’s future is not so bright. Nigerians are eager to pay bribes, even though they know that’s not what would lead this nation to where it should be. This is not the Nigerian dream the founding fathers of this nation had for it I believe.

Why isn’t the Nigerian dream alive?

There are various reasons why, but I’d list a few.

A nation on the brisk of division

With the way things are going, we are not even sure whether Nigeria would remain one nation after the 2015 elections.

Some Nigerians even wish for Nigeria to divide.

There can’t be a Nigerian dream if the promise of a one nation isn’t even there.

Selfishness among the people

The average Nigerian is selfish—this is what I believe. He or she thinks about him or herself before the greater good of the nation. Take this example for instance:

An average Nigerian in charge of a governmental recruitment program would likely employ his cousin to fill a governmental position, even though he knows his or her cousin is not fit for that job. However, he’d be wary to do so if it has to do with his or her company.


We are not anything close to united. Nigeria is a nation of disunited nations. The average Igbo man can’t side with the Hausa or Yoruba man, and vice versa. Even in the Igbo, Yoruba, or Hausa setting—there’s still disunity.

Tell me—how we can progressively move towards a common dream with the level of disunity in this country?

Our politicians don’t care

I read Giovanni’s article on 16 reasons why every sensible Nigerian should not vote, and I solidly agree with some of the points he made on the article. Our politicians are the main people that can make the Nigerian dream a reality.

However, the truth is that most them don’t care about the average Nigerian, or Nigeria. They don’t love or cherish Nigeria. They don’t even believe in the future of this nation. They don’t work towards the unity, or development of this nation. Simple put: They are not there to serve the people. They are there to serve their big bellies, selfish interests, and bigotry. They are there to deceive the people, and to destroy the nation in a constructively manner.

Most of them are just plain clueless.

Corruption everywhere

As I said before, the average Nigerian is eager to pay a bribe to get what he or she wants. The average policeman would eagerly take a bribe. We all know the political system in Nigeria is corrupt—the right guys can’t even get in.

Corruption is deep in Nigeria—from the top unmoral place, to even the church, or mosque. How can the Nigeria dream ever be achieved with all these BS?

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