Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala–You Are WRONG: Nigeria Is Broke

Nigeria is dirt broke in most aspects that define a successful nation, especially in the aspect of money. It should not be hard for you to figure this simple truth. However, I cannot understand why the Nigerian finance minister Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala recently told journalists in Abuja that Nigeria is not broke. Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala–you are bombastically wrong. Financially, Nigeria is dirt broke. Otherwise there would be a solid explanation to the power points I would later state in this post.

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

As a finance minister and a leader in Nigeria, I expect you, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala to know and speak the truth to the people of Nigeria. But you have not done that this time, stop giving false hopes to the people of Nigeria. That is what most leaders in Nigeria do, and now I am beginning to believe you are just one of them.

Why Nigeria is broke

The WordWeb PC dictionary defines being broke as: “Without or very short of money“. No doubt, Nigeria is so rich in terms of human and natural resources. But when this does not reflect significantly in the nation–crap! Then we can conclude that the nation is broke, otherwise: we would see the money in the life of an average Nigerian! Therefore Nigeria is broke!

When a country cannot provide basic amenities for its people, that country can be assumed to be broke. Therefore Nigeria is broke.

When a country has more than half of its population living below the poverty line, then it can be assumed to be broke. Therefore Nigeria is broke. This is even sadder with the fact that Nigeria declared itself the largest economy in Africa. It is like a man who says he is rich. He has a lot of children, but cannot provide education, food, etc. for most his children.

When a country seeks for financial aid from other countries or organizations for whatever reason, it can be termed broke. Therefore Nigeria is broke.

When too many people (especially leaders) have robbed a nation of a load of hard currency–the nation can be termed broke. Therefore Nigeria can be said to be broke.

When a country cannot provide good education, roads, railway system, etc. for its people then that country can be termed broke. Therefore Nigeria is simply broke.

When a country that produces oil still imports refined oil products from countries it exports oil to. It is assumed that that country is short of cash to build the required refineries, therefore that country can be termed to be broke. Nigeria is broke.

If a county’s revenue depends majorly on petroleum, and oil prices decline, the income of that country would suffer a big hit. Hence that country can be classified as broke (do the math).

When most citizens of a country believe that traveling to live abroad is better than living in their country. Then their country may be said to be broke enough not to be able to provide the resources they want to enjoy in the foreign country.

A country that pays its workers peanuts–money below the rising cost of living— can be assumed to be broke. Therefore Nigeria is broke.

A country that delays in paying its workers, etc. can be assumed to be broke. Therefore Nigeria is broke.

A country that cannot provide cheap internet for its citizens even though it has one of the world’s largest internet users can be classified as broke. Therefore Nigeria is broke.
I could go on and on…


Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, from the few points I have given above, you cannot tell me that Nigeria is not broke. I do not understand you when you say Nigeria is not broke. Nigeria is financially broke, otherwise: we would see the money reflect in the life of an average Nigerian. Next time, just say the bitter-truth. Nigerians can take it, they are a “strong” people.


Giovanni is obsessed with the social-economic development of his beloved Africa and inspiring people to think for themselves logically and rationally. He started Thescripton as a teenager because he felt it was one of his best ways to contribute to making society better by discussing critical social topics in an educative manner. But as his grew older he realised he change should begin from an individual level. He’s the founder of Larnedu and a few other online communities that serve thousands of people around the world. He’s open to constructive criticism and learning from others.

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1 Response

  1. Rukewe says:

    Nigeria is not broke, it is just corruption. Corruption has always been the issue since 1960 and even before that.

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